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Published July 23, 2024       2 minute read

Discover Sniffer Eggs in Minecraft 1.21: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to find the new Sniffer Eggs, in Minecraft 1.21, with the help of RocketNode Blog

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Finding sniffer eggs in Minecraft 1.21 can be challenging, but it’s a rewarding quest that adds a unique aspect to your gameplay. Here’s how you can locate these elusive sniffer eggs quickly and efficiently.

Step 1: Craft Your Brush

To begin your adventure, you’ll need to craft a brush. This tool was introduced in Minecraft 1.20 along with the archeology feature. Here’s how to make one:

  1. Place a feather in the middle slot of the top row on a crafting table.
  2. Place a copper ingot in the center slot.
  3. Place a stick in the middle slot of the bottom row.

With these materials, you’ll have your brush ready for use!


Step 2: Locate a Warm Ocean Biome

Next, you need to find a warm ocean biome. These biomes are typically adjacent to desert and badlands biomes and are characterized by their aquamarine water and vibrant coral reefs.


Step 3: Search for Ocean Ruins

Within the warm ocean biome, look for ocean ruins. These structures can be made of stone bricks or sandstone. For sniffer eggs, you’ll need to find the sandstone variant. Although it may take some time and patience, keep searching until you find one.


Step 4: Conduct Archeology

Once you’ve located ocean ruins in a warm ocean biome, dive down and inspect the base for suspicious sand. These blocks resemble regular sand but have subtle cracks indicating they might contain hidden treasures.


Step 5: Use the Brush Tool

With your brush in hand, gently brush away the suspicious sand blocks. On average, it takes brushing about fifteen suspicious sand blocks to uncover a sniffer egg.


Bringing Your Sniffer Egg Home

After successfully finding a sniffer egg, take it back to land and place it in the sun. In approximately five minutes, the egg will hatch, and you’ll have a new sniffer to dig up ancient seeds and explore with.

Final Thoughts

Finding sniffer eggs in Minecraft 1.21 can be a time-consuming process, but with these steps, you’ll be well on your way to adding this prehistoric creature to your game. Enjoy your new adventure with RocketNode!

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